Recommended Hosting
We have tested our software performance on all of the hostings listed below so we recommend you to use one of them for best performance.

All these hosting providers match our requirements and can be used safely.


Bluehost has been providing quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals since 1996. Their goal is to provide outstanding services for the best possible price. To achieve these goals they are constantly innovating and upgrading our services at no additional cost to our customers.


Since its establishment in 2002, HostGator has been a world-leading provider of web hosting service. They provide top-notch service to clients from over 200 countries internationally with staff of over 750 employees


Just Host is dedicated to providing their customers with the most reliable web hosting service possible. Fast, reliable, web hosting at an affordable price with secure servers, and 24/7 technical support make hosting your website with Just Host the obvious choice